I have a confession to make: I almost became a Project 365 Dropout last month. As our off-season comes to a close and our wedding season quickly approaches, I’ve been focusing on something else: establishing a cooking routine and running a half marathon! Cooking and running regularly were two things I struggled with during our last wedding season so my goal was to solidify good routines and schedules that will continue through wedding season. The truth is that taking a photo a day started to become less important when compared to eating well and exercising regularly. Plus we still had a lot of cold days, the trees were still bare, and, well, I have been spending a lot of time at home these last few months. At the start of this project I felt bad about taking so many indoor photos so I challenged myself to head outdoors more, but it was hard! I embraced the prompts from >>the bethadilly challenge<< and enjoyed being a part of the community. However, the month of April brought a new challenge when some of the prompts became just that – a true challenge! Taking a photo related to a specific topic on a specific day can go against the exact reason why I started a Project 365 in the first place. This led me to a bit of a crossroads.
So how did I avoid becoming a Project 365 Dropout?
I decided to stop apologizing for taking too many indoor photos, use the challenge prompts to inspire me on slow days while knowing that I don’t have to follow them on a specific day (it’s ok to mix them up and follow Monday’s prompt on a Tuesday!), and be ok with sharing my photos every few days or even once a week rather than on a daily basis (especially if that means I can get a run in AND cook dinner for my hubby!). Because as much as I would like to edit and post my picture on a daily basis, sometimes it’s just easier to leave my card in the camera all week and choose one day to upload, edit, and post a few pictures at a time. So there you have it! If you’re struggling to complete a photography project change the rules up a little bit because hey, it’s your project, your rules! And at the end of the year you’ll be happy you got through those hard moments, I promise!! Here’s to a beautiful month of May (my birthday month!!) full of flowering trees, blooming flowers, warm weather, and lots of wedding photos in my Project 365 because wedding season is upon us. Hooray!!
As always, check out #thebethadillychallenge for a little inspiration and be sure to follow my Project 365 on Instagram by searching for @idaliaphotography or check out my hashtag at #idaliaphotography365. And now, here’s a recap of my April: