The Why Behind Our Reveal Sessions


If you’ve poked around my website long enough, you’ve seen the word “Reveal” pop up a few times and wondered what is a Reveal and why do I include one after every photographic experience.

What is a Reveal and Why Do I choose to include a Reveal for all my clients?

A Reveal is simply the very first time you get to see your images after your wedding or portrait session.

Seeing your images for the first time is deserves to be a special moment. Personally, I’d hate it if that moment happened at the checkout register at the grocery store. If you’re anything like me, you’d be too excited *not* to click on that gallery and start looking at your images right then and there. Chances are, you’d have a hard time waiting to be with your spouse to take a peek. And then the excitement is over, and picking out images for your album has suddenly been put on that endless To Do list. Not to mention DIYing wall art for your home.

Instead, imagine knowing the Reveal Date in advance and blocking out an evening for a date night with your spouse shortly after you’re back from your honeymoon or, if you’re one of my portrait clients, shortly after your kids go to bed. Together, you sit down and view a slideshow of your photos and see your photos for the first time while cuddling up on the couch in the comfort of your home. Hopefully with your favorite drink in hand and a charcuterie board or yummy dessert within reach!

Once you’ve seen your images, you’ll immediately know which photos are the most important to you, and you’ll even be able to easily see which photos have had the most impact on you and that you want to have in printed form. This is the moment when I want to make sure that you have help to create your tangible heirlooms – while the memories of your wedding or other life’s milestone are still fresh in your memory – which is where my design team comes in.

Every single photographic experience with me includes the undivided attention of a member of my design team. This dedicated design specialist will walk you through your album pre-design and help you every step of the way – from final image selections to designing the pages of your album and artwork for your walls. They’re able to provide an expert opinion about what will work (and what might not) so you have the album of your dreams and your home is decorated with your beautiful images. Our design specialist has an amazing eye for making a quality, heirloom product that you’ll love for years to come. No more guessing about what might look nice together – our expert is your new best friend in this process!

I love our personalized Reveals because you’ll get that one-on-one time with your design specialist while there’s still so much excitement in the air as you begin to create your album designs. Working with our visual artist is a meaningful experience and our team wants you to love your final heirloom products forever. We strive to make sure no question goes unanswered and every page designed is exactly what you’re looking for.

Whether you choose me to document your wedding day, or another one of life’s precious events, all of my collections ensure that you walk away with a unique album that will preserve those memories. It’s been over 10 years since I got married and our wedding album is one of my most prized possessions. It’s a tangible memory – our first family heirloom – from that day. And now, as a mom, I treasure family albums just as much. As your photographer, I want to make sure that you have a tangible memento of the most meaningful events that have happened.

The Album Design Process

Not sure what cover options you’d like? Our design team is there to show you the latest cover choices, embossing options, help you design the perfect album and choose the right frames.

Custom Wall Art

Once your album is designed, we can then help you design custom wall art for your home by creating mockups using photos of the walls you’re looking to fill. By the end of our time together, you’ll have a clear visual of how you’ll be showcasing your favorite photos. It’s such a fun experience that we’re so proud to deliver to our couples!

When your wedding day and other life milestones have come and gone, the memories are one of the only things that remain. Knowing that I have the job of capturing your first minutes husband and wife, the joy of you welcoming your first child, and so many other special moments means the world to me. As your photographer, I consider it my responsibility to make sure that your memories don’t just live on your Instagram feed. Instead, I want them to live in custom-designed albums that sit on your coffee table and beautiful artwork over your mantle, ready to be admired by both you and your loved ones.

Interested in learning more about what I offer? Contact us for availability.

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If we haven't met yet, I'm Alex, founder of Idalia Photography! We're passionate about discovering beautiful stories, documenting genuine moments, and capturing timeless images along the way. Here we share our latest work, a peek at the heirlooms we create, and helpful resources. Thank you so much for your interest in our work!







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Do you love natural light but worry that you don't know what to look out for when searching for a photographer? Click below to get my tips so that you feel confident choosing someone to capture one of the most important days of your lives.








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